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LIST [-R] [-Q] [source1] [source2] ...

* Lists the directory of the "source" to the screen. Hitting space
  will pause the listing and backspace will continue it.
* LIST acts similar to  DIR , but outputs more information:
  - Hidden files will be shown
  - Shows the date and time of the last change. See  DATE .
  - Shows the protection-bits. See  PROTECT .
  - If available, the comment will be shown. See  FILENOTE .
  - If it is a link, it shows where it is linked to. See  MAKELINK .
    (Note:softlinks are resolved by ReadLink(), hardlinks by simply Lock())
* LIST supports recursive listing. That means the contents of all
  subdirectories are shown. To use it, specify the  -r option .
* With the  -q option  given, it does not sort nor print
  comments and links.

eg.     list
        list sys:system
        list -q df0:
        list -r -q *.info    {show all INFO-files in the current and
                              in the sub-directories}
        list -r ram:~*.info  {show all except *.info files in RAM:}